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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Arc The Lad 3 System : Playstation Date Added : 2006-01-29 04:54:13 Views : 25944 Easy money: When you are able to synthesize items, buy two of any status healing item. Synthesize them to make amulets, then sell them for three times as much money than what it costs to buy the healing items. Easy casino chips: In the casino, play the Monstermind. There a good chance for you to get x100 of what you bet. Or, play the Monster Race and use the following strategy: On your first turn, since you always go first, use a move card about 5 or any other that big enough. Keep moving with big cards. Use the Confuse, Slow and Sleep card when your opponent uses his. Note: You may use the Sleep card at any time. If you do not have any big step cards, you may draw one afterwards. Do not use a card to slow down your opponent unless he use them first. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Arc The Lad 3 cheat codes.
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